
Nigeria is Sitting on Land Mine

Nigeria is sitting on a land mine. You see angry faces of young men and women everywhere you turn. People are bitter because they are deprived of ordinary basic needs. There are no jobs even for graduates. People live in un-completed structures. You can not drink water unless you have money because you must pay for it. Families can't give their children good education because of the high cost of private schools. The public schools are not good ...enough any more even for the labourer's child. Life is becoming unbearable and you can see it in the faces of Nigerians.

All successive governments have failed us in every aspect of life. They have brought us poverty and hardship. The bane of our anger is bad governance. Yet Nigerians are hopeful people, believing that this administration will bring the long awaited change. Though there are agitations in some quarters. They are those who can not stand the humiliation and marginalization.

We can not wish away these movements. These groups have a loud voice and they represent millions of oppressed Nigerians. The government has become the oppressor of the very people who voted them to power. They feed fat on looted public treasury, and use State security apparatus and kangaroo laws to perpetuate these illegalities, while the masses die every day from poverty, hunger and decease.

Nigerians are tired. They deserve to live respectful and honorable lives, not that of thieves, ritualists, child and women traffickers, fraudsters, drug pushers and prostitutes. The government is forcing these once very humble people to become suicide bombers, militants, secessionists, assassins, kidnappers and fugitives.

The tension continues to grow and the pressure mounts. If government continues in its bad and insensitive ways, the anger that has been building inside these oppressed citizens may ignite into anarchy and war. For the love of peace, every well meaning Nigerian plead and pray for the government to be more sensitive to our flight.

Peace, One 9ja for ever.
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