
Child Slave Conference 2010

Human trafficking is not only condemnable, it should be fought with all the resources in our disposal. The victims are unsuspecting and innocent family members.

Let us know if you are interested in supporting the group to sponsor journalists from Nigeria to attend this conference.

JOIN others concerned about human traffi cking to learn about child traffick ing from those who arc actually working with trafficking victims.

This is the o nly conference of it s kind in Minnesota to learn about:

* Victims treated as criminals
Legislation needed for work with human trafficking victims
Education and Media
* Victim Outredch Service
What medical care professionals need to know to help child human trafficking victims
* How attomeys can help child homan trafficking victims
* Adoption fraud and exploitation

Friday, October 1, 2010
10 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
1s t National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN
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